The Age of Cognivity

Unlock Your Mind's Potential: Mastering Metacognitive Strategies!

Discover the Power of Metacognitive Strategies – Elevate Your Learning, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Skills! Join us on a journey of self-awareness and cognitive empowerment.

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Embrace Tomorrow's World: Exploring Future of Technology Today!

Welcome to our visionary corner where we delve into the exciting realm of future technology, AI human evolution, and metacognitive strategies. From cutting-edge artificial intelligence and mind-boggling robotics to mind-bending virtual reality and groundbreaking advancements in sustainable energy, we are your gateway to the innovations shaping tomorrow’s world. Uncover the latest trends, transformative ideas, and revolutionary breakthroughs that are redefining the way we live, work, and connect. Embark on this thrilling journey with us as we explore how AI influences human evolution and the role of metacognitive strategies in embracing the tech-driven evolution ahead. The future awaits—let’s ignite your imagination and inspire you to be an active part of this transformative future.


The Age of Cognivity takes you on an enlightening journey through the epoch of human cognition. Delving into the past, present, and future of our cognitive abilities, this captivating book explores the intricate workings of the human mind, the evolution of intelligence, and the potential for unlocking even greater cognitive capacities. From ancient wisdom to modern neuroscience, discover the fascinating interplay between biology, culture, and technology that has shaped our cognitively rich world. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of consciousness and delve into the frontiers of human potential, paving the way for a new era of understanding and empowerment

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About The Author

E.R. “Mike” Anders is a highly accomplished author and intelligence analyst with a remarkable career spanning over three decades. With diverse expertise in national security intelligence and cyber intelligence analysis, Anders has made significant contributions to the field. His extensive knowledge and experience in these areas have established him as a trusted authority in the realm of strategic intelligence.

In addition to his work in intelligence analysis, Anders is also a celebrated broadcast journalist. His radio series, “Terrorism and the Washington Target” and “The KGB and the Washington Target!” have earned him recognition and acclaim. Through these programs, he has provided valuable insights and shed light on important national security and international affairs topics.

Our Blogs

In today’s fast-paced world, we find ourselves standing on the threshold of a new era—an era marked by rapid technological advancements and transformative changes. This era, often called the Age of Cognivity, is revolutionizing how we think, learn, and interact with the world around us. As we delve into this age of technological transformation, it becomes crucial to understand the concept of “cognivity” and its profound impact on our lives.

In the vast landscape of technological advancements, one phenomenon stands out as a game-changer—the Cognitive Revolution. This revolution is reshaping the way we think, learn, and interact with the world around us, fueled by the rapid convergence of technology and cognition. In this blog, we will delve into the profound impact of the Cognitive Revolution and how it is rewiring our thinking, leading us into a new era of limitless possibilities.

What the Reader’s think

Sarah T

"The Age of Cognivity by E.R. Anders is an eye-opening exploration of how technology reshapes our thinking. Anders presents a compelling case for the transformative impact of cognitive technologies and their potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives."

John M

"The book is informative and engaging, with real-life examples and relatable anecdotes that make complex concepts accessible. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on our cognitive abilities."

Lisa S

"This book has broadened my understanding of how technology impacts our thinking processes and opened my mind to the possibilities of the cognitive revolution. It's a must-read for anyone curious about the future of human intelligence."

Mark R

"E.R. Anders' The Age of Cognivity is a captivating exploration of the intersection between technology and cognition. I found myself engrossed in the insightful discussions and thought-provoking reflections that Anders presented."

Emily C

"The Age of Cognivity by E.R. Anders is a ground-breaking work that sheds light on the profound changes happening in our cognitive landscape. I highly recommend this book for anyone curious about the future of cognition and how technology is reshaping our world."

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Learn more about The Age of Cognivity in the latest release of Mike Anders

E.R. Anders, a certified intelligence analyst and award-winning broadcast journalist, explores the transformative impact of technology on cognition in his enlightening book, The Age of Cognivity.

The Age of Cognivity

The Age of Cognivity by E.R. Anders uncovers the profound implications of technological advancements and their influence on human thinking and society.

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